Then my sister, Liv {Grace Olivia}, and I went to the Humane Society. As cat addicts with cat allergies who have a mother with severe cat allergies this is pretty near heaven for us. We saw kittens and cats and puppies and dogs and guinea pigs. I also was able to get some information about what to do to best help Inky. Speaking of that sweet kitty she is meowing at me through the window as I type {so I keep taking breaks to go pet her}. I wish I could keep her because I love her. The best part though was spending time with my sister.
Liv and I also ran a few errands and I treated myself to 2 new nail polish colors. So whilst watching TV{now The Office} I am painting my toes Navy Baby and my fingers Stormy.
So today started out like an average day, but ended up spectacular.
new. post. please and thank you.