I could give you excuses, but honestly I blog for fun (the same reason I take graduate math classes) so I feel no need to defend myself for not blogging (or taking classes this summer {CIY...oops I did it anyway.. but its my blog so I can also change my mind}.
I am now half way through Radical by David Platt. For me it isn't the kind of book "you can't put down." It is a challenging read because it has a challenging message not because it is well written. So that's probably why I'm only half way through it.
Blue Like Jazz on the other hand I really enjoyed and would recommended to anyone.
I'm still looking for book recommendations, feel free to comment with your vote for my next read.
I have my work computer at home today so I can show you some of the weddings I've designed during the past month.
These are just a few of the many bouquets I designed. There was one weekend this past month we had 8 weddings! Others just had 4 or 5. I am truly blessed to have the best job and to have an amazing team to help me do it all.
Jeremy and I also took our annual anniversary trip! We went to St. Louis for a few days after toying with the idea of a stay-cation. It is always nice to get away and spend some one-on-one, undistracted time remembering that we not only decide to love (put-up with) each other each day but that we enjoy the other's companion ship and are still in love with each other (after 3 years of marriage and 10 years friendship).
Around the house not a ton has changed. I did turn a little dusting into a big project when I decided while I had a few items off their perches to collect all of the decorational (that not a word but ... just go with it) items (a.k.a. tchotchkes) from around the house to purge, organize, and rethink placement. Well, turns out I didn't throw much away because I like my weird collection of assorted knick knacks more than anyone should. But I did re distribute the items around the house, giving each room a slight freshening.
Could be I was also coerced (ha) into a quick (last minute) Ikea trip. As per tradition we also went to Home Goods, and then we found the jackpot at Marshall's. I have yet to photograph my treasures but I will show you soon (hopefully before July).
p.s. In events that are truly important:
1) Our friends Megan and Seth just had baby Asher (well Megan had him, but I think Seth helped). This sweet family is near and dear to our hearts even though they are church planting in Japan. Asher you are truly loved and are blessed with wonderful parents.
2) Our friends Hannah and Dustin recently found out they will have to opportunity to adopt their daughter (whom they have been fostering)! This sweet girl is already part of their wonderful family and we are so excited for them as well!
3) In a few weeks we will be traveling with the high school youth group at FCC to CIY (Christ in Youth) Move conference. This is a life changing week for many of our high schoolers and we would appreciate your prayers!